My grey cat, Iggy sitting on my desk next to my laptop

I reside in Western NY in a little house, nestled under pine trees, surrounded by birds, squirrels, and stray cats. I have two cats of my own: a large 16-year-old grey tabby named Iggy, and a little black cat named Aurora. In addition to my passion for advocacy work, I enjoy writing, reading, bird watching, nature photography, painting, and road trips, especially ones that involve a trip to Starbucks for their amazing Mac and Cheese and a Mocha Frappe with Chocolate Chips. Many of the photos featured on this site have been taken by me on my adventures. I love sipping my coffee slow while listening to the birds, and I treasure the sound of the peeper frogs at night. ​


Integrity, Honesty, and Transparency

Coaches, consultants, clinicians, advocates and other helping professionals who are working with people and are influencing an impressionable public audience whether directly or indirectly, need to take responsibility. This includes making sure we are honest with the people that we work with about what we can and cannot provide, what we can offer them. It is time to end the reliance on the intentional manipulation of information and use of use deceptive, unethical, non-compliant tactics in marketing and ad services.


I will never treat you like a number or a dollar sign. I do not shame or humiliate anyone into working with me. I do hold people in positions of power, and those who are working with vulnerable populations to higher standards of care, and that includes myself. I will address double standards, particularly those that reduce or diminish, and are being used to exert and establish dominance, superiority, power, and control -- I have personally witnessed and experienced this through bullying in support spaces which led me to expand into anti-bullying work.


I recognize that someone’s ways and behaviors may not always be intentionally wrong, but instead, may be biologically correct responses to unmet needs and conditioning. I strive to see others through the lens of their humanity, and I believe that with right support and intentional practice, there are individuals may be better able to harness their innate capacity to learn, grow, heal, and change.

a group of pine trees in front of mountains under a moonlit, starry night sky


My passion for quality client care and my commitment to advocacy around accessible coaching, fair pricing, and ethical, informed treatment of those we connect to and work with are some of things that set me apart from others.

I have personally fallen victim to social and societal injustices that acted as a catalyst for my current career and advocacy experience. My drive for integrity was built on painful past learning experiences that began patterning when I was young. It was extremely hard to hold people accountable. I learned that I had to ‘play the game’ well in order to get my needs met and services delivered. Later on, this would also apply to making sure my client's needs were met as well.

My early experiences, alongside the ethical considerations that I felt were being overlooked within the mental health field inspired me to become an advocate trauma informed care and ethics in practice. Reducing harm and re-traumatization has been the focus of my work since May of 2013.

I view the coaching industry as a system of care. Particularly because there is so much mirroring – in behaviors, tactics, and approaches that focus on pathology, profit, and the speed of ‘getting results’ as a metric of success.

I am dedicated to discussing solutions that address the lack of integrity and ethical mindfulness in the coaching and mental health industries displayed by service providers working closely with their clients.

It is past time to do away with outdated, archaic systems and approaches that can contribute to shame, exclusion, and financial and emotional hardship. I encourage approaching those we serve from an empowering context rather than playing on pain points that reinforce negativity and create an imbalance of power in the coach/client relationship. It is unethical to use deceitful tactics disguised as ‘help.’

It's important to be transparent about what we are able to provide the people that we work with. Are we being who we say we are? Can we deliver what we said we would? In unregulated spaces where folks have come to rely on us as we provide support, education, and resources, it's on us to hold ourselves accountable.


Too many people have been harmed by coaches and service providers who have made bold claims in their marketing, including stating or promoting that they are trauma informed, but ultimately, were not. They have no interest in understanding it's history, much less an understanding of what it is and how it is designed to work. Nor do they want to change the way they are marketing. They know that it attracts clients and has the potential to bring in more money.

I personally don’t call myself trauma informed or use the term ‘safe space’ because I cannot guarantee my spaces will meet someone else’s personal safety needs. There is no way for me to determine what supports someone's felt sense of safety and what feels best in everyone’s body and mind. Nor can I control individualized outside factors that have a role in personally getting that need met.

As a lifetime patient who is both a provider and a recipient of services, my combined experience influenced me to branch out and become an Integrity Consultant. I aim to inspire a new wave of professionalism in coaching and service provision. One that carries dignity, respect, and integrity in all engagements, marketing promotions, and services, between professionals and their clients, audience, and followers.

I support the future of coaching and helping professions in the mental health and human services field by holding a vision for the collaborative discovery of what it means to live fully, as humans, being human. This includes having an awareness and understanding of the roles that our biology, physiology, genetics, personal histories, environments, trauma, repeated patterns of stress, conditioning, and social determinants of health can play. This is essential, alongside mindful consideration for the level of accessibility, community, and sense of belonging one may or may not have.

These things can have an impact on our thinking and how we process and encode information, our behavior, and how we apply logic, reasoning, and understanding, and our emotions. Thus, also having a role in a clients journey-- e.g. behavior, awareness, and emotional receptivity.

I recognize and respect someone’s value as a human first and foremost and meet them where they are at on their journey, whether they choose to work with me or not. I practice actively modeling what I teach, though I am only human, and far from perfect. I do not ask for more from my clients than I am willing to do for myself.

I believe that the ability to help others is also found and grown from our own willingness to set aside what we think we know to explore additional aspects that contribute to one’s humanity and wholeness. Compassion for our shared experiences becomes a beautiful foundation for accessing our competencies, sharing resources, facilitating change, and maintaining momentum on the journey to support others and nurture optimal outcomes.


Podcast Interview with Artemis J. Rose
The Shame Rebel Podcast Episode
The No B.S. Biz Show
Redefining Resilience Summit Hosted by Lauren Passas


  • The Importance of True Trauma Informed Care in Coaching and Helping Roles

  • Developing Conscientious, Ethical Business Practices for the New Paradigm

  • Chasing Integrity: What I've Learned, from Being on Both Sides of the Desk

  • Dignity and Disabilities in The Workplace

  • That's Not My Job! Understanding Our Roles in Reducing Re-traumatization

  • The Online Space Can Be Triggering: Managing Our Well-Being While Providing Online Services and Support



* Jennifer is not a doctor, medical professional, healthcare provider, therapist, counselor, or lawyer. While she does talk about conscientious, ethical service provision and stewardship, you are ultimately in charge of and responsible for the decisions and investments that you choose or do not choose to make for yourself, your business and and/or your clients. Seeing clients without protocols for prevention, legal issues, and a clinical referral process is at your own risk. Jennifer's consulting and coaching services are not a substitute for legal advice, including when matters of ethics and compliant marketing are being discussed. None of her services nor the support she provides are a substitute for when you need to find a lawyer, therapist, or a qualified professional. Jennifer does not assume your risk. Approaching or messaging Jennifer with questions or in the name of getting support does not constitute or create a service agreement. Nothing Jennifer shares through any medium are to be used as a substitute for medical care, counseling, psychotherapy, nor are to be regarded as legal, or financial advice. Jennifer does not focus on income generating activities. Jennifer does not teach you how to make more money. As a matter of ethics, she must be upfront that current pricing trends in the majority of the market are a conflict of interest based on her mission, and priorities. By filling out any forms or submitting information through forms, email links, or a chat app on this site, please be aware that you are consenting to the form builder and chat app collecting and processing the information you provided and are indicating that Jennifer Ann Falandys can send you a follow-up message or email. Please see her Service Disclaimer and Privacy Policy for full disclosures.

🌿 Designed January 2025

Jennifer Ann Falandys

Olean, New York, 14760