Thank you so much for expressing interest in my private group! Many of the coaching support groups out there have not been aligned with my values and the way my heart has been called to serve. They were not understanding of the unique personal circumstances that I come to the table with and how that impacts the way that I do things, and I know that I am not the only one who has unique needs and considerations to be aware of. There was also a palpable disconnect from seeing people as humans, rather than a number, a placeholder, or a possible sale.
I want this to be a community that feels good to be in. Folks shouldn't have to hide or stay too long in places and programs with people whose self-interest comes before the best interest of their members. I want you to be able to get the help that you need and the support for building your coaching business the way you envision without getting ridiculed, bullied, or shadow-banned in a group for daring to show up differently.
I know it has been hard to get actual support in some of the coaching groups out there that thrive on demanding energy and comment piling for the sake of engagement. This can induce a trauma response for many folks or cause them to abandon their integrity when they feel they have to defend themselves against a perceived threat. While this is a natural response, these types of groups also often willingly allow the tigers to be in the room. The more tigers the more engagement, prestige, and popularity.
It is my mission to create and lead a movement to restore humanity and ethical mindfulness in coaching and service provision.
Capitalizing on dysregulation and purposely activating members nervous systems by intentionally being a bully, engaging in shaming, and ruling coaching spaces with "iron fists" because it works, is not a relational practice. From what I have personally witnessed and experienced, it seems more like a strategy built on insecurity and a need for control -- establishing a perceived level of authority in a way seems easy and doesn't require the coach to do their own personal work, because it funnels opportunities, success and wealth-building to a select few that benefit from buying into it.
It is for this reason, among others, that it is very important to be clear about what to expect when choosing to become a part of the spaces that I create. Looking back, had I had clarity around expectations before joining some of the groups I have out there, it is likely that I would have made different choices.
I aim to create a compassionate, reciprocal group model that supports everyone and recognizes that we all have place in the field regardless of status and income while building authentic, harmonious relationships that are mutually supportive for every member of our community.
The Relational Network is a learning community that provides education, support and resources for coaches and service providers prioritizing integrity, ethics in practice, and trauma informed care within the work that we do. It is a place where we can talk about our experiences with the coaching industry, learn, grow, and collaborate on restoring integrity, humanity, and ethical mindfulness in coaching and service provision.
How we show up matters. It’s time to reduce traumatization, and move toward ethical, responsible, and informed practices meant to restore trust in coaching relationships.
It is my goal to have those who are interested in promoting full time and can show me that they can follow through with requests made to them inside of the group be able to launch and provide their own courses and masterclasses in here as well -- even if they are directed to communities off of Facebook and out of this group. I will work on creating a disclaimer for off-site redirection.
I will be covering the following along with other things. I will also be launching my own course, and a mini masterclass on human behavior, language, and communication.
• Ethical Mindfulness
• Trauma Education + Neuroscience Behind Human Behavior and Communication
• Resources
• Tips and Guidance / Get Your Questions Answered
• Compliance Basics and Relevant Info
• Coaching Support
• Somatic (Body-Based) Practices (For Coaches and Clients)
• Human Design (HD) Insight (For those interested)
• Q and A SessionsTrainings (Members can also apply to provide them in this space)
• Share + Promote Your Offerings
• Sign up for Free 1:1 Calls, Once A Month
This group will be private and it will have guidelines and a robust set of rules which are all listed below, that you probably won't see anyplace else because of the type of space I want to cultivate, and other obvious reasons given its specific purpose. I don't make a lot of promises, but I will make you this one: It is not because I want to hold all the power. We will co-create, and collaborate here, with a shared goal to improve the coaching industry.
The Relational Network focuses on being relational. This group serves everyday people and is an all ticket space. I will not entertain any "us vs. them" energy in a conversation about high-ticket vs. low-ticket offers.
Members will be banned immediately if they target anyone expressing their feelings about predatory industry pricing, share openly that they want to offer services for free, or are struggling to price their offers. There will be no vultures or pile-ons here.
For the well-being of the group and to protect the integrity of its purpose, members will be vetted and personally invited. This group will not open invitation to everyone. If there is anyone that comes in that makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, please message me.
If you would like to pay it forward, your support through donating or purchasing something off of my Wishlist would be greatly appreciated.
All I ask from you is to follow the Five Step Sequence in the Pinned Post once you are approved, which is listed below for you to check out.
Yes! Members who would like to promote their services can meet with me to go over a few things, and I will let you know when you can post.
I don't resonate with the concept of making members pay extra money to advertise when the alternative could easily be to walk away and do our own thing. In my experience, this can drive members away from an otherwise great space and has made me question if my place in a group is just to be a potential dollar sign. Overhead of costs enough, and there are so many other memberships we have to have just to run things.
In joining the Relational Network Facebook group, you understand that because of my mission and priorities upon its creation, you understand that as the admin I reserve the right to remove content or members without warning, along with any content that goes against the purpose and intentions of the group by energetically dominating the space, spreads misinformation, or is harmful and discriminatory, including comments that are racist, ableist, phobic, classist, or leans toward bullying of any sort.
The rules and guidelines are subject to changes. Once the group opens, members will be informed and have an opportunity to give feedback to shape the future of the group.
I do not use the term "safe space" because when interacting with so many people with varied backgrounds and experiences, I can't personally account for everyone's felt sense of safety or anticipate every instance in which a person may be triggered. I cannot guarantee that my spaces will be as safe as you need them to be to meet your personal safety needs.
This group focuses on restoring humanity and ethical mindfulness in the coaching industry. This means that we are intentional about our practices, and I personally do my best to embody that. I am not asking you to adopt my methods, but if I feel the need to inquire further about something, add context to a post, or remove a post to reduce harm and protect the integrity of my group and its members, I will do so.
Choosing to incorporate ethical mindfulness and trauma sensitive practices into our work does not require that or mean that we must trade our humanity for perfection or put unrealistic pressure on ourselves to respond well or present things flawlessly every single time. We are human. I want to be clear that I don't expect perfection in this space, all I ask is that you have a willingness to learn, to be teachable, to have an open mind, to be able to be accountable when necessary, to please add context to what you share, and to please leave room for nuance and a diverse range of perspectives to be a part of the conversations that we share. Sometimes, hard questions may come up. Things may feel challenging in the process of learning and expanding together.
You may find yourself feeling a certain way when presented with new information or a perspective that does not necessarily align with your views or how you have been taught. Please be aware that some discomfort is expected when interacting with a group of people, particularly in a support space that is also meant to be educational and cover very specific topics. This is a natural human response. Open-mindedness in this space is encouraged, but I do ask that you are aware of your intention when sharing information.
I value a feedback informed approach and welcome inquiries or messages with any concerns. This page will be updated to include a link to the feedback form.
When necessary and when it legitimately aligns, I may DM group members to carry out other administrative duties that require direct communication and a response.
I may comment on your post for clarity and add context for other members. I may ask questions and reflect on whether or not it aligns with the intentions of the group and what is being taught here. By posting in the group after checking that you have read the group rules, you're agreeing to the possibility of having feedback added by me to your post. I am cautious about misinformation and how information is presented.
I do my best to refrain from speaking in absolutes without context, because I know what the energy of being demanded at can do to our nervous systems. It is important to leave room
There are people who are familiar with my work that pop out only to disagree with me, and that will be addressed. There are things I share that are backed by biology, neuroscience and a few core aspects of coaching that I will not debate.
• There are coaches who are doing trauma work without boundaries, and who are making projections and assumptions about people and their needs without adequacy.
• There are advocates who refuse to acknowledge that what they are justifying and advocating for can actually increase the risk of harm happening, or for services to be pulled from disabled individuals who have different levels of access and needs than they do.
• There may be people who struggle with discernment or understanding concepts presented to them due to disabilities, TBI's, nervous system overwhelm. The online spaces can be a very noisy place to navigate. I want to be sure that we are there for people who may need more clarity or what feedback on things that they are struggling with, especially with the prevalence of statements and takes that really would do better with a discussion that has more context and a diverse range of feedback so that we can have a full picture behind what is being conveyed, and perhaps form a different view, or be able to respond differently. It is not often that have I observed people coming forward to say, "I don't understand this," and that could be due to a number of reasons, including stigma, shame, and wanting their struggles with these things to remain private. It is also important to be aware that sometimes, people do not know how to respond to what they don't understand, other than to be reactive.
• The amount of uninformed takes that have been allowed to spread through the online coaching space is alarming. Sometimes this has been allowed for the sake of appeasing members or garnering more comments and engagement. I've seen special treatment be given to the most profitable members who get to "skate around the rules." This is part of what I define as Social Buy-In in my content disclaimer. This is not how I operate.
1.Group Transparency I am not asking people to conform to how I do things or offer services for free just because I do. However, you should know that the group will be run in alignment with my mission and vision. Can you keep in mind the Golden Rule, and do you have a heart for service and good stewardship? Please be kind and respectful. Members will be vetted. To revisit the details about this community please visit:
2. Please Read The Pinned Posts Read the pinned posts in the Featured Post Carousel when you enter the group. Please find and follow the 5 Step Sequence pinned in up there. The group rules will be posted periodically for you to review. Thank you!
3. Respect Everyone's Privacy. Authentic, expressive discussions are welcome and may be sensitive and private. Please respect members' privacy and vulnerability. This is not a place to intrusively collect leads by elbowing in on posts. Cultivate relationships in the group and prioritize asking for consent before messaging another member. Constantly DM'ing folks will result in one warning before being banned. If anyone makes you feel uncomfortable inside or outside of this group, including in the DM's, please let me know.
4. No Income Claims or Fake Number Representation Income claims are now being monitored by Meta and will be removed because they can get the group shut down. This group focuses on ethical mindfulness, and that includes ethical marketing. Deceptive practices may be normalized but a genuine desire to do better has brought us together here. I may ask questions and suggest a re-frame if I feel something is misleading. This is not meant to undermine. How we present things builds on our net impression. What do you want that to be?
5. Bullying and Removal Policy. I reserve the right to remove content or members without warning, along with any content that goes against the purpose and intentions of the group by energetically dominating the space, spreads misinformation, or is harmful and discriminatory, including comments that are racist, ableist, phobic, classist, or leans toward bullying of any sort.
6. Feedback Policy. I may comment on your post for clarity and add context for other members. I may ask questions and reflect on whether or not it aligns with the intentions of the group and what is being taught here. By posting in here after checking that you have read the group rules, you're agreeing to the possibility of having feedback added by me to your post.
7. Self-promotion Allowed After Approval To Do So You will be allowed to promote after I have connected with you one time to approve you. Do not go Live without sending an admin a request to do so. I need to know what the topic is about and check the schedule. Let's put respect, dignity, and collaboration over competition. Share things that provide tangible value such as providing feedback that is genuinely meant to be helpful, supportive and not always attached to a dangling carrot. Advanced promotional opportunities are available (Lives, teaching courses and launch collaborations) after meeting with me.
8. I am Not a Lawyer, I Don't Provide Legal Advice. My ethics coaching sessions are not to be used or substituted as legal advice. Your decision to book and participate in these sessions does not create a relationship in which I become your legal counsel or representative in any form or capacity. You are responsible for seeking out a legal professional for all legal matters, including reviewing your own marketing practices.
9. I Do Not Provide Crisis Intervention. If you feel you need crisis intervention, please consult your primary care physician or a lawyer in your area. If you need immediate help for your mental health, please dial 911 or go to the resource link to find support number
10. No GIF Comment Trains or Asking People to Reply to Comments with GIFS This is to reduce neuro-overwhelm and keep the feed clean.
🌿 Members will be banned immediately if they shame others for their different views, or target anyone expressing their feelings about predatory industry pricing, share openly that they want to offer services for free, or are struggling to price their offers. There will be no vultures or comment pile-ons here.
🌿 The Relational Network focuses on being relational. This group serves people on all different levels. Please keep that in mind.
These Group Rules were updated February 1st, 2025
🌳[Step 1] Please go like and FOLLOW my Page @JAFALANDYS. I want you to be the first to know about our upcoming events, announcements, and opportunities! I will also be posting extra content there.
🌳[Step 2] Follow the group rules (Pinned in the Featured Post Carousel)
🌳[Step 3] Turn your group notifications ON in your group settings.
🌳[Step 4] Introduce yourself in a post below and tell me, what inspired you to join this group?
🌳[Step 5] If you are interested in being able to promote every day and potentially launch and provide your own courses and masterclasses in here, there is no cost to promote full time. I just ask that you set aside some time to meet with you briefly, I see that you are able to follow through with requests made inside of the group and that things stay in alignment with the group's integrity and purpose.
I teach from the perspective of someone who is a patient, advocate, educator, and client, who is a survivor of trauma and has a few different disabilities. It is important to understand that as providers, we are entrusted with people's pain points, emotions, and sacred moments that they may not share with anyone else. I have high standards for coaches and service providers, especially in today's world. If we are working with people, there is a high likelihood we may find ourselves working with trauma in some capacity within in our sessions. In an unregulated industry it is on us to hold ourselves accountable.
There is a difference between being trauma-aware and trauma-informed, and as a life-long patient, I stand by that.
Trauma-informed care become pieced out or altered for the sake of ease in business and profitability from the top down. This has also made it easier for clinicians and other helping professionals to get the accolades of a title, and skate by on the implementation of the role because they were taught that it is as simple as having an awareness of trauma and perhaps checking a few boxes.
It takes a commitment to doing the work, beyond a certification or title that can now be more easily bought. Where else have we seen patterns like this?
* Jennifer is not a doctor, medical professional, healthcare provider, therapist, counselor, or lawyer. While she does talk about conscientious, ethical service provision and stewardship, you are ultimately in charge of and responsible for the decisions and investments that you choose or do not choose to make for yourself, your business and and/or your clients. Seeing clients without protocols for prevention, legal issues, and a clinical referral process is at your own risk. Jennifer's consulting and coaching services are not a substitute for legal advice, including when matters of ethics and compliant marketing are being discussed. None of her services nor the support she provides are a substitute for when you need to find a lawyer, therapist, or a qualified professional. Jennifer does not assume your risk. Approaching or messaging Jennifer with questions or in the name of getting support does not constitute or create a service agreement. Nothing Jennifer shares through any medium are to be used as a substitute for medical care, counseling, psychotherapy, nor are to be regarded as legal, or financial advice. Jennifer does not focus on income generating activities. Jennifer does not teach you how to make more money. As a matter of ethics, she must be upfront that current pricing trends in the majority of the market are a conflict of interest based on her mission, and priorities. By filling out any forms or submitting information through forms, email links, or a chat app on this site, please be aware that you are consenting to the form builder and chat app collecting and processing the information you provided and are indicating that Jennifer Ann Falandys can send you a follow-up message or email. Please see her Service Disclaimer and Privacy Policy for full disclosures.
🌿 Designed January 2025
Jennifer Ann Falandys
Olean, New York, 14760