I wanted to address a common question I get from other coaches in my inbox who are usually asking this to see if I had an answer that would lead them into offering their services to me. I am very selective about whom I choose to hire and it's okay that you are, too. I value transparency, and my inbox is a place for meaningful conversation, so I will share what I know, here.

I know what it is like when our physiological stress levels are high and our bodies are trying to navigate the physiological changes that accompany that. This impacts the following, and I am just naming a few key elements here:

• Logic
• Reasoning
• Thinking
• Emotions
• Behavior
• Decision Making
• Sequencing

Many people who have experienced trauma or have complex issues they face with their wellness cannot always strategize, which is often part of the expectations in a typical coaching experience. I take an unconventional approach with my clients because I have been there.

After working with me, people have shared with me that they have found relief from doubt, clarity, renewed hope, and invigoration. They have acquired knowledge and resources without the overwhelm of trying to navigate a sea of too many voices, they have felt empowered to take those few hard steps toward doing the work they are meant to do knowing that they can count on me to hold space for them, be there if they have any questions without looking for a way to profit from their confusion, and get creative when we need to around coming up with tools and resources.

Together, we develop the strategies that they need or would find beneficial to implement on the way to their goals so that they can feel confident that after our time is done, they have some tangible solutions, and avenues of possibility to explore and apply on their journey toward reaching their goals.

After working with me, clients have priority scheduling for future appointments and can always reach out if they have a question. I will answer when I can - Monday, Wed-Friday between 2pm to 7pm, EST - Eastern Standard Time. I do not offer support on weekends, though due to my schedule, I sometimes will respond to emails during that time. Please know that I do not expect anyone to reply back on their weekend time.

There are a few compliments I have received from people who have worked with me, listed below. Gentle reminder the testimonials here are about how they felt during or after working with me does not guarantee that you will feel or experience the same. These testimonials focus on experience, not outcomes or results of working with me. Results depend on a variety of factors. To learn more, please read my Service Disclaimer.

​"I was so grateful to be able to book a call with Jennifer. It was exactly what I needed, and I was able to locate a deep part of myself that really needed to have a voice and be heard. This left me feeling really seen and 100% safe to share anything at all I needed to--feeling this safe alone was everything to me. It's rare you find people that will hold that space for you! Thank-you, Jennifer!"

- Leanna Jane Lewis, Transformational Coach for Visionaries

"I booked a reading with Jennifer and right away, she was very helpful to me. Not only did she spend a lot of time with me, but she also followed up with me afterward. Jennifer stays in contact with the people she serves and makes sure that we know she is there for us. I would highly recommend her, and if I need another reading, I will be contacting her again."

​- Barbara G.

"Jennifer is an amazing coach because she puts so much integrity into how she practices her business and provides so much love + safety towards her clients. She has had over 20 years of experience in mental health advocacy AND public speaking, as well as coaching and mentoring others. I was blown away after our first phone call by all of her knowledge. She is also so down-to-earth and sweet. I felt like I knew her forever. She is someone I am proud to have on my team as I heal and grow. I highly recommend her for trauma coaching as well as her ability to be a great leader in the coaching industry for healers and mental health professionals. She is someone you want to learn from in order to better your ethical and integral practices if you are currently coaching trauma survivors or heart-centered business owners."

- Jean Soto

"My session with Jennifer Falandys changed my life! I do not trust easily, but with Jennifer, it was easy to be vulnerable, her inviting spirit and her honest candor about a situation, coupled with her ability to get to the heart of things, change my life! Jennifer Falandys' technique, although simple from the outside looking in, is very complex, she has a way to help you see what you would not otherwise see. During our session, she used the simplest analogy to help me arrive at the most multifaceted, in-depth shift. She helped me uncover a decades' old habit, limiting belief, she helped me uncover the root of what ailed me, and then offered easy to implement techniques to lock in activation of growth and to continue my healing process. Jennifer is a fantastic mentor, healer, friend, and advocate."

- Dr. MJ Watson

"Jennifer has been a consummate professional in every interaction I have had with her. She is very supportive, very knowledgeable, and really cares about the people around her, I highly recommend her for what she has to offer."

- Jayc Martin



* Jennifer is not a doctor, medical professional, healthcare provider, therapist, counselor, or lawyer. While she does talk about conscientious, ethical service provision and stewardship, you are ultimately in charge of and responsible for the decisions and investments that you choose or do not choose to make for yourself, your business and and/or your clients. Seeing clients without protocols for prevention, legal issues, and a clinical referral process is at your own risk. Jennifer's consulting and coaching services are not a substitute for legal advice, including when matters of ethics and compliant marketing are being discussed. None of her services nor the support she provides are a substitute for when you need to find a lawyer, therapist, or a qualified professional. Jennifer does not assume your risk. Approaching or messaging Jennifer with questions or in the name of getting support does not constitute or create a service agreement. Nothing Jennifer shares through any medium are to be used as a substitute for medical care, counseling, psychotherapy, nor are to be regarded as legal, or financial advice. Jennifer does not focus on income generating activities. Jennifer does not teach you how to make more money. As a matter of ethics, she must be upfront that current pricing trends in the majority of the market are a conflict of interest based on her mission, and priorities. By filling out any forms or submitting information through forms, email links, or a chat app on this site, please be aware that you are consenting to the form builder and chat app collecting and processing the information you provided and are indicating that Jennifer Ann Falandys can send you a follow-up message or email. Please see her Service Disclaimer and Privacy Policy for full disclosures.

🌿 Designed January 2025

Jennifer Ann Falandys

Olean, New York, 14760